LOCATION: Bellenden & Westdown
The Bellenden Road Underbridge upgrade replaced the existing 12-metre single span deck with two new Network Rail standard U decks, which were 66 tonnes each.
The Westdown Road Underbridge project also centred on the replacement of the existing 12.5-metre bridge with two new Network Rail standard U decks, which were 74 tonnes each. It included the replacement of new station platforms.
Both projects included the reinstatement and re-tamping of the tracks before reopening to rail traffic.
Fenix was responsible for initial survey of the impacted S&T cable routes and trackside equipment; powering down and making safe signalling equipment prior to the works; the subsequent support and protection during the works; and the reinstatement of the signalling system upon completion.
Fenix’s S&T staff worked in collaboration with the multi-disciplinary team throughout the works, assisting with the detailed planning to ensure there was minimal disruption to the railway network.
This required quick thinking and proactive action on site by the Fenix signalling team to resolve a number of technical issues that arose during the works.